0.7.0 is out πŸŽ‰ It brings a super cool style refresh ✨

Hey πŸ‘‹

I have been working for a couple months on this update: I’ve started to work on it, even before working on the 0.5.0 version. The reason behind it is that I wanted to update the visual look of the game. On the previous versions, the look was kind of… weird! The biggest reason behind it is that I didn’t define a proper look and stick to it. In this version, I have fixed this and here we go, BOOM!

All images have been updated to follow a single style. It took me ages to edit each single image, but the result is cool, and I love it. The game feels more like… a game now! I still need to update the global UI (currently using material 3 framework), so the game will look like a game and not a simple app, but the first step is already here.

In this version, I’ve also added a lot of content:

  • There is a new land to claim, called Arctic, which is a very challenging land and bring a new mecanic in the game (i.e. having to manage a limited resource, used by all buildings).
  • There is a new level on the island land, which brings new resources, and new challenges (some resources are mandatory to unlock the new level on the main land)
  • There is a new level on the main land, which brings a lot of complexity (dependent on resources produced on other lands, having to manage electricity production, and many more to come)
  • The tutorial has been completely revamped, and is helping new players to start playing the game
  • And many more…


Full changelog


  • There is a new level on the island, with new resources, new constraints and new production lines.
  • There is a new level on the main city, with new resources, new constraints and new production lines.
  • There is a new land, which is the arctic. This land is very challenging, but can unlock some researches (implemented in the next version)
  • After a residence need (in detail screen), you can now see the gains of fulfilling the need
  • The tutorial has been reworked and gives you better understanding of the game and what is expected from you


  • Cities without harbour can’t be attacked
  • The screen is now well refreshed when you switch city from the essentials menu
  • Fix missing translations
  • Fix a bug preventing riot from starting in Island city
  • You can no longer be attacked if you have not built your first shipyard


  • Performances have been improved on web (transitions are faster and each tick is also processed faster)
  • All images have been updated to respect a single unique art style
  • A lot of small UI improvements to make the interface better:
    • Icons are bigger
    • Paddings are bigger
    • Fonts are bigger
    • Corners are rounded
  • Internal improvements

Link to the changelog


What to expect in the next coming versions?

In the next versions, I will update the global look and feel of the UI, and will work on the gamification of it. The goal is to have a UI that looks like a game, not a professional app built with material 3.

I’ll also add more content, specially on the new land Arctic: this land will be the land where you will be able to run some experiments and research new technologies. I won’t tell you more πŸ˜‰

Have a nice day, and see you soon.

Best regards,

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